
The Churchill Scholarship provides funding to American students for a year of Master’s study at the University of Cambridge, 就职于丘吉尔学院. The program was set up at the request of Sir Winston Churchill in order to fulfill his vision of US–UK scientific exchange with the goal of advancing science and technology on both sides of the Atlantic, 帮助确保我们未来的繁荣和安全.

Shion Andrew ’21

Shion Andrew

Shion Andrew was awarded a Churchill Scholarship for 2021-22 to conduct astrophysical research at the University of Cambridge. 安德鲁将研究观察和理论的交集, attempting to answer fundamental questions about the evolution of the universe through mathematical modeling and computer science. She is interested in the versatility of the information extracted from large datasets and plans to explore this research interest further by collaborating with astrophysicists who explore the parameter space of these surveys.

Alicia Schep ’11

Alicia Schep

Alicia Schep was awarded a Churchill Scholarship for 2011-12 to study computational biology at the University of Cambridge. 她是来自美国的14位丘吉尔太阳2平台之一.S. 今年,除了两人之外,他们都来自R1学校. The only other Churchill winner from an undergraduate college in 2011-12 was Michael Gormally, 波莫纳学院的化学专业.


Andrew Higginbotham received his bachelor of science in physics from Harvey Mudd College, 他是第12届丘吉尔太阳2平台. From Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he will do research in the laboratory of Dr. 杰基·科尔在化学和物理的交汇处, relating non-linear physical properties to chemical structure through condensed matter physics to understand better the relation between optical properties and chemical structure in organic materials. He has done extensive original research in high intensity physics and laser-driven fusion at Harvey Mudd and at the University of Texas at Austin; he has two first-author papers under review and has received many awards. Andrew’s letters of recommendation speak of his research as “a remarkable achievement, which would be considered impressive for a senior graduate student and which is almost unheard of from an undergraduate,称他是“一个强大的智慧集合体”, diligence, creativity, and imagination.“安德鲁一直活跃在学生会. After his year at Cambridge, he plans to do his doctorate in physics in the United States.

Hallie Kuhn ’09

Hallie Kuhn received her bachelor of science in biology from Harvey Mudd College, 她是第13届丘吉尔太阳2平台. 来自科罗拉多州格伦伍德斯普林斯., she will do research on the human papilloma virus responsible for cervical cancer in the laboratory of Dr. 病理学系肿瘤学的尼克·科尔曼. At Harvey Mudd, she won the Brandenburger Biology Prize for outstanding performance and promise, 普尔夫斯生物学奖, and the Biology Writing Prize; she is a member of the Sigma Chi Research Society. Throughout college she has done research on the molecular motor dynein and spent a summer at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Chemistry at the University of Oregon. 她受过广泛的数学训练, chemistry, systems engineering, 计算机科学为生物信息学的工作做准备. Hallie has volunteered in a rape and sexual assault crisis center in Los Angeles and in a Red Cross asylum in Denmark, 她在国外呆了一个学期. 她是一名健美操老师,并热衷于瑜伽和舞蹈. After her year at Cambridge Hallie plans to return to the States to study for an M.D.-Ph.D. in clinical oncology.

Rosalind Beckwith ’07

罗莎琳德·贝克维斯获得了丘吉尔奖学金, which offers American students of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in engineering, mathematics or the sciences at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge.

The Churchill Scholarship provides support for one year of study and research at the University of Cambridge and covers all university and college fees, 在丘吉尔学院的生活津贴是10英镑,000-£12,000, 往返美国的补助金,最高可达1美元,000, 还有一笔高达2美元的特别研究经费,000. The scholarship is currently worth between $44,000 and $50,000, depending on the student’s program. 经过当地校园的审查, the applications for 丘吉尔奖学金 are vetted and ranked by former Churchill Scholars, 他们中的大多数是学术科学家.

From Tempe, Ariz., Beckwith majored in engineering and has a special interest in fluid dynamics. 她在波音公司做过实习和研究项目, 劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室和霍尼韦尔发动机公司. President of Tau Beta Bi at HMC and a winner of a scholarship from the Department of Homeland Security, she plays French horn, was a member of the varsity swim team and has completed two triathlons.

贝克威斯是玛丽·卡德纳斯推荐的, assistant professor of engineering and director of the Engineering Clinic Program. 在给丘吉尔基金会的信中,她写道:

“Harvey Mudd College is one of the few liberal arts colleges of engineering, and Rosalind Beckwith is our best example of what we wish to produce. 她不仅是我教过的最聪明的学生之一, 在学术成就和技术技能方面, 但她也是我教过的最全面的学生. This can be seen in her deep interest in application of her work to human problems, 以及她对流体力学之美的欣赏.”

Carl Yerger ’05

Carl Yergerhas been awarded the Churchill Fellowship for study in the UK after graduation. Nationwide, 只有11名学生被选中获得这项享有盛誉的奖学金, which is for one year of postgraduate study at Churchill College of Cambridge University. Carl will study for a 高级进修证书 来自纯数学与数理统计学系. Carl follows in the footsteps of other mathematical luminaries at Cambridge such as Isaac Newton and 安德鲁·伯诺夫教授. 在过去10年里,哈维•马德(Harvey Mudd)有7位丘吉尔奖得主.

Joel C. Miller ’00

Joel Miller has been awarded the Churchill fellowship for study in the UK, after graduation. Nationwide, 只有10名学生被选中获得这项享有盛誉的奖学金, which is for one year of postgraduate study at Churchill College of Cambridge University. Joel will study for a高级进修证书应用数学与理论物理系, 和史蒂芬·霍金所在的系一样.


Miller was also awarded a Hertz Foundation fellowship as well as a NDSEG fellowship.

Previous Recipients

  • Christopher Rodolfa ' 05
  • Nikolaus M. Loening ’97
  • Nathaniel Brown ’98
  • Jon M. Sorenson ’95
  • Peter D. Bogdanoff ’94
  • Michelle D. Mathys ’86
  • Alan Middleton ’84
  • David K. Matsumoto ’82
  • Roger M. Oba ’82
  • Mark L. McKinstry ’73